Saturday Morning again!
Good Morning OFF-
Up early this morning as I get to play town librarian. My little town (690) has a small library funded mostly by private donations and selling donated books. It's open two days a week during the summer and one day during the winter. Librarian's are all volunteers. They do have a WIFI hotspot so you get a fair amount of traffic during the summer as people try to check their emails. I was supposed to work next Saturday but the woman scheduled today needed to swap with me.
Had dinner with some friends last night at the Lodge where I first lived in 2002 until I bought my cabins. Nice dinner with family style meals. I had some wonderful baked salmon. The rest of the meal was not very "diet" friendly but I tasted the rice pilaf and homemade mac n cheese. The veggies didn't appeal because there were lima beans mixed in, yuck.
Cool weather pushed in yesterday and last night I was under the covers trying to stay warm. Lows were in the low 40's last night. I refuse to turn on the heat yet. May have to have a fire in fire place tonight.
Thoughts going out to Judy for her pain. Happy to hear that Connie got to visit with Nic. Special thoughts for Nancy and Morgan. Vickie enjoy the weekend with your DH and remember Benny starts school Monday!
Morning Cindi and OFF family to follow!
Got up this morning and the pain was gone in my arm for a whole 10 minutes...yippee. Anyone think I should TRY one of the NSAIDS or not? Vicodin is NOT helping at all. I even took double dose making it 1000mg...nothing. I am almost 7 years out from having my RNY now. So what do you think I should do? Would you try one if it were you?
Its 62* here so far this morning. Nice. Made 1/2 pot of coffee...guess I don't know how to do that right because it is like drinking colored water...yuck!!!!!! LOL
Rick and I bought a pretty electric fireplace at Menards the other night. It will fit under the window and block off the AC where the cold air comes in when its cold out. It is a pretty oak color. Will match the entertainment center we have also. Can't wait to get it set up and use it!! We both wanted one for a long time and now we have one. Price was great also!! $149.00 saved $70 couldn't turn that down at all!!! And it will heat a room up to 1500sq feet. So I guess you can say our dreams are still coming true...;-)
Well this is the longest I have been typing so better stop or my arm will really be screaming soon. Sighs.....
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!
Know I am thinking of you all and am sad for those going through so much right now and happy for others....
Perhaps you could take an NSAID with an acid blocker? I take a baby aspirin daily, along with a Zantac, and so far have had no problems. Taking it with food, as Carla suggested, would also be good. Just take a few and see how it goes? If they help the pain, then you can ask the doctor about it, yes?
Also, Cindi is absolutely right about your computer layout. I had forgotten that. I had what I called "mouse shoulder" for years while I was working and doing so much on the computer. Try moving your keypad and your mouse to a different place. Also, don't leave your hand resting on the mouse in between moves. That's what I was doing and boy, did my shoulder ever hurt. It still flares up on occasion, but now that I know what triggers it, I can pretty much be smart enough to avoid it. It's only when I start playing games on the computer (IS THIS RINGING A BELL???) that it gets really bad again.
Hoping you have a better day today. Rest your shoulder as much as possible this weekend, okay?
Well.....I do NOT use my left hand to play on PC I use my RIGHT weird huh? That arm is not bothering me. I am left handed to write with and eat with only. I am not on the phone much at all and when I am I do NOT use my shoulder to hold the phone in place. My PC desk is set up the way it should be and so is my chair. I do not have a PC for my job at all. It is all handwriting and the only time I write a lot is when I do rents receipts. Then there are only 96 I think right now that pay rent. When I do the recerts there again there isn't much handwriting because its already on copy and I just fill in the blanks with tenants name and apt number. And I sleep on my RIGHT side. Sooooo. Sighs.
I am going to TRY some ALEVE and see if that helps my pain. Or maybe the pills that Michael gave me that his dr gave him for his arthritis. Meloxicam. Worth a try anyhow. It kills me oh well.
Thanks for the info and all.
Hey judy,
My dr says u can take nsaids if u eat food wit it. Im 11 years out and thats what I do sometimes. It might be worth a Try! But be careful.
Im up and about this morning. My daughter is having a baby shower. I got her a pack and play ( Portable crib) It has a basinet in it A place for the babyto sleep and play. My daughters cats love it!
I am going to leave for home probsbly on Monday. Carl and I are coming back up around the 17th for the birth. Bentley is going to Ft Lauderdale.